If you or your child has been referred for a diagnostic audiologic evaluation, it means that hearing loss needs to be ruled out or further examined. The diagnostic audiologic evaluation may also be indicated for individuals who did not pass an initial hearing screening.
The hearing evaluation is done to determine if a hearing loss is present, and if so, to detail the type and severity of the hearing loss. It also may provide insight into the cause of the hearing loss in order to make the appropriate recommendations.
What Tests Will Be Done?
The specific tests done during the evaluation will depend on the patient’s age, and what is known already about their hearing status. These various tests will determine the degree of hearing loss, the type of hearing loss, and the conditions of the ear canal and middle ear. Dr. Hoffman will also determine if the hearing loss is conductive (middle or outer ear problem) or sensorineural (inner ear problem).
A diagnostic audiologic evaluation includes otoscopy (examining the ear), tympanometry (test of middle ear function), pure-tone testing, bone-conduction testing, and speech testing.
Along with the evaluation, you will have time to review and discuss the results with Dr. Hoffman. She will interpret the tests for you, answer your questions, provide you with information and referrals as needed, as well as begin planning for treatment, if indicated.
What Can I Expect During a Diagnostic Audiologic Evaluation?
During your initial visit, we will take a detailed medical history, including your hearing history and get to know you as well as taking an inventory of your individual communication needs. The evaluation will probably last about 40 to 60 minutes in length. It is recommended that you bring a family member with you to the evaluation appointment.
It is important you arrive a few minutes before your appointment to fill out your new patient paperwork, including your hearing history. It is also necessary that you bring your photo ID, insurance cards and a list of any medications you are taking.
Some insurances, including Medicare, require a physician referral for a hearing evaluation. You will need to request a prescription from your family physician or another specialist in order for the hearing test to be a covered benefit. That prescription can be faxed to our office or you can bring it to your appointment. It is necessary to have that prior to being seen for your appointment. Please call our office if you are unsure about needing a physician referral.