Welcome to Advanced Audiology & Hearing Care
For more than a decade we have been connecting patients to their loved ones and improving the quality of life of those with hearing loss in the Lake Country. At Advanced Audiology & Hearing Care, Dr. Hoffman is committed to listening to her patients and taking a comprehensive listening needs assessment to develop a personalized recommendation and follow up plan for better hearing. From thorough comprehensive diagnostics and consultations to individualized treatment plans for better communication, we are here to guide you every step of the journey.
Our Services
See, that is what makes us different, and YOU special to us. We are dedicated to creating a caring relationship built on expertise and trust for your journey to better hearing and communication. Hearing better is not just about the technology we fit to your ears, it is about thorough assessments of your hearing and your personal listening needs, as well as care provided to you by experienced and well trained professionals with passion to help you have a better quality of life. It is not an event, but rather an ongoing commitment of evaluation and assessments that we give each and every patient to achieve the very best hearing healthcare possible.
Hearing Aid Technology
We are dedicated to providing the best technology for your lifestyle, and providing the crucial follow up required to service your hearing needs that are ever changing. On going continuing education and a commitment to new research and development of all leaders of hearing technology, provides Dr. Hoffman’s patients with exceptional hearing healthcare in a personalized and caring environment.